Wildlife Land Trust / Sanctuaries / WA / Yarraan

Sue and Steve Rose are the owners of Yarraan, a property located approximately 95km northeast of Perth.  The property is a dedicated wildlife sanctuary used for wildlife rehabilitation and education, and it is Sue and Steve’s intent to reside at Yarraan.  Furthermore, there is a memorial covenant in place and Sue and Steve have applied for Land for Wildlife membership.

The sanctuary covers 2.2 hectares of virgin bush on top of a hill, with predominant vegetation species including marri (Corymbia calophylla), wandoo (Eucalyptus wandoo), banksia (Banksia spp.), grass tree (Xanthorrhoea australis), and various shrubs and orchids.

Known wildlife inhabitants of Yarraan include western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus), black-gloved wallabies (Macropus irma), and southwestern pygmy (Cercartetus concinnus) and honey (Tarsipes rostratus) possums.  This list is expected to grow significantly as Sue and Steve have recently purchased a surveillance camera to monitor fauna on the refuge.